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Roma Bucarest, 31 mar. (TMNews) La crisi in Romania non è ancora finita e i centri commerciali vuoti ne sono un triste simbolo. Nonostante i timori diffusi che il 2011 possa essere il terzo anno consecutivo di recessione per il Pil romeno, molti settori industriali del Paese nuoveuropeo non mollano e spingono per affermarsi anche all'estero. Tra questi la moda, pret a porter e alta gamma, che dalla Romania puntano a sbarcare nei mercati più fashion dell'Europa occidentale e in parte ci sono già riusciti. E a dimostrare l'interesse anche straniero per il mercato romeno del fashion bastano i numeri: 36 nuove firme hanno investito per aprire corner e negozi monomarca nella capitale romena.La recessione prima e i piani di austerity varati dal governo poi hanno tarpato le ali ad alcune iniziative ambiziose come il centro commerciale Cocor, nelle vie storiche della Bucarest vecchia, che ancora non ha registrato il successo sperato. Alcuni stilisti romeni, però, hanno già varcato le frontiere e sono noti al grande pubblico: come evidenzia Osservatorio dei Balcani e Caucaso, è il caso di Mihai Albu, un vero e proprio architetto delle calzature, perché architetto è di formazione e scarpe disegna e produce per professione da anni. Le sue creazioni, sandali, décolleté e stivali con tacchi più simili a grattacieli che a semplici scarpe hanno fatto il giro del mondo. Le richieste di aprire negozi in franchising anche fuori dalla Romania non mancano, ma "la produzione di massa è assolutamente fuori discussione", ha garantito il fashion designer.Nel suo showroom di Bucarest a Boulevard Marasesti, Mihai descrive come nascono le sue creazioni che non prendono spunto "dal gusto comune, soltanto per aumentare le vendite. Cerco sempre di creare qualcosa di nuovo, di unico, di diverso. A volte il mercato risponde, altre no, è questione di fortuna ammette e di principi con cui fare i conti. Per me non c'è mai stato dubbio: sono ossessionato dalla perfezione delle forme. Per lo stilista si sono aperte le porte anche dell'esclusivo e dorato mercato della moda del Belpaese: "Per i miei clienti all'estero ho aperto un negozio online e sto valutando le tante offerte per un franchising del marchio con una collezione che rifletta lo stile della casa. Sono molto tentato".La moda romena non mette radici soltanto a Bucarest: talenti in crescita anche a Iasi, dove le sorelle Silva e Anca Negulescu dal 2004 cercano di portare nelle loro collezioni la tradizione della famiglia che da sempre si occupa di tessuti e di sartoria e la modernità e l'unicità di un gusto romeno ma concettualmente europeo. Per la collezione primavera estate 2011 "abbiamo creato un 'personaggio', come facciamo per ogni stagione, utilizzando inserti di pelle che completano l'immagine di una donna intelligente, sofisticata e con un tocco aristocratico. Il gusto nel vestire dei romeni sta cambiando considerevolmente ed è una cosa positiva".Intanto a Bucarest il centro commerciale Cocor, riaperto nella capitale dopo due anni di ristrutturazioni e un investimento di 24,5 milioni di euro, con cinque piani di negozi per un totale di 10.000 metri quadrati. Dolce Gucci, Chanel, Max Mara, Ginvechy, insieme a stilisti romeni come Albu e le sorelle Negulescu, hanno aperto i loro corner shop a Cocor, trasformando quella che era una destinazione delle casalinghe romene fino agli anni Novanta, in un paradiso dello shopping, ancora un po' troppo deserto. Il centro commerciale, che punta ad attirare i clienti che cercano le grandi marche, non ha ancora completato l'assegnazione dei negozi e fino alla fine di dicembre gli affari non sono andati come sperato, ma l'ottimismo non manca, perché, ripetono in molti "esiste un potenziale" e il "mondo sta decisamente mettendo gli occhi sulla moda romena", assicura Mihai Albu.La moda si adegua con la giacca a prova di rovescio

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The little gems, very popular in Turkey, are more pricey than raisins. A pound will set you back around $18 but if you want to try them, you can find them in natural food stores and online. Terrasoul Superfoods Divine Organics sells a 2 pound bag online at Amazon, and Navitas Naturals sells an 8 ounce bag. And Essential Living Foods sells organic dried white mulberries in an 8 ounce box. When buying dried fruit, organic is the way to go, since you're eating a concentrated form of the food.Drinks overshadow the food at the Greenwich Project

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We spoke with ESA's Spacecraft Operations ManagerJuan Pieiro earlier this morning: Yesterday's full 'dress rehearsal' went fine! The penultimate day long event involved everyone working on the Swarm launch, including the mission control teams at ESOC, the launch campaign teams at Plesetsk, Eurockot, the ground tracking stations at Kiruna and Svalbard and representatives from the satellites' manufacturer. The rehearsal followed the complete launch sequence from about 10 hours before lift off, set for 13:02 CET, to the first acquisition of signals. Swarm mission teams conducted the 'dress rehearsal' for launch on 19 November 2013 in the Main Control Room at ESOC and in the launch control centre at Plesetsk. Credit: ESA/F. Diekman At.锘縇e coin des filles

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Il 9 Ottobre del 1963 interi paesi vengono cancellati da un'onda gigantesca alta circa 70 metri che si porta con se quasi 2000 persone. Un'onda proveniente dal bacino artificiale creato dallo sbarramento del fiume Vajont. Ironia della sorte non fu la diga a crollare quanto piuttosto un intero fianco del monte Toc che si rivers貌 all'interno del lago artificiale provocando un spostamento d'acqua pari al volume di materiale franato. 270 milioni di metri cubi di roccia che spostarono in un istante un pari quantitativo di acqua generando due immense onde anomale consecutive alte pi霉 di 100m. La prima ondata spazz貌 via le frazioni pi霉 basse lungo le rive del lago, quali Fras猫gn, Le Spesse, Cristo, Pineda, Ceva, Prada, Marzana e San Martino. La seconda ondata si rivers貌 verso valle superando lo sbarramento artificiale. Pi霉 di 50 milioni di metri cubi che scavalcarono la diga precipitando a piombo nella vallata sottostante con una velocit脿 impressionante. Il greto del Piave fu raschiato dall'onda che si abbatt茅 con inaudita violenza su Longarone cancellandone l'abitato fin dalle fondamenta. Un evento catastrofico purtroppo indotto dal riempimento del bacino che favor矛 il distacco della frana, uno tsunami o forse dovremmo dire un "lagomoto" artificiale causato dalla negligenza umana. Lo abbiamo riportato all'attenzione del grande pubblico dopo i recenti avvenimenti in Asia a dimostrazione del fatto che anche noi abbiamo nel nostro lungo passato calamitoso eventi eccezionali legati alla furia delle acque che non siano solo alluvioni. Abbiamo persino trovato delle cronache molto antiche che parlano di onde anomale registrate sul Lago di Como. Sembra che nel 1489 e nel 1520 delle ondate improvvise abbiamo interessato un paese non specificato sulle rive del lago trasportando le barche ormeggiate fino all'interno della piazza principale, onde forse determinate da frane all'interno del bacino sulle rive opposte, non si sa con precisione. Non 猫 dunque solo il mare ad incutere paura e nemmeno la furia delle tempeste, ogni luogo del pianeta dove vi sia dell'acqua pronta a muoversi 猫 potenzialmente pericoloso. Essa crea e distrugge, rimodella la Terra a suo piacimento non curante della sottile pellicola di vita che ne ricopre la superficie. La sua estrema mobilit脿 non ne caratterizza per貌 solo la tremenda potenzialit脿 distruttiva ma anche quella creativa. Paesi come l'Egitto non esisterebbero senza le estese inondazioni portate dai grandi fiumi che fertilizzano le sterili distese sabbiose. Paradossale che l'uomo possa vivere solo in sua presenza e che allo stesso tempo sia messo in pericolo dalla sua stessa natura.锘縧a pi霉 fashion sei tu news auto

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You can increase the bow's power by making two identical bows and lashing them together front to front (so that they form an "X" when viewed from the side) with string or rope. They should be tied together at the tips. Attach the bow string to only one of the bows. This is a sort of primitive crossbow.How to Make a Recurve Bow

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The proximate cause of the problem is China’s insistence on creating a new status quo. A weaker China once kept mum over the islands, but a stronger China is reasserting its historical claims. Japan is equally convinced of its sovereignty, having regained control over the islands as part of America’s 1972 reversion of Okinawa. Japan rightfully worries about Chinese “salami tactics” that seek to gain territory one slice at a time. After all, China does not recognize Japanese sovereignty over the Ryukyu Islands and some even claim the “ancient Chinese kingdom” of Okinawa. Japan’s , coupled with occasionally inflammatory public utterances about history, only fuels nationalist sentiments.

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2009 Dr. Loosen Riesling Eiswein ($48) Vividly flavorful but not heavy, this bottling comes from one of the top producers in Germany’s Mosel River Valley. Though pricey, it’s inexpensive for actual German ice wine, which often runs more than $100 a bottle.

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“You may want to run the risk, but if we have to send out emergency workers after you, their lives will be at risk,” Bloomberg said. “You just don’t have a right to do that to someone else.”

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But residents aren’t rebounding quite as quickly.

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In an upset, McConaughey is this year’s McComeback Kid. His main competition is Ejiofor.

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Another article reports on emails that tie "M.C." Karl Rove -- fresh off of his rap performance at last night's Radio-TV Correspondents' dinner -- even closer to the controversial US attorney firings in Arkansas and New Mexico. A real educator in charge of our public schools for a change — what a revolutionary idea from our mayor-elect!

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“It was a tricky decision,” she said. “It was sort of a Sophie’s choice kind of decision. I sort of went back and forth all night.”

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His recent April 15 statement at PMA Kakul, that the country was created in the name of Islam which would always remain the country’s unifying force, served a strong rejoinder to self-proclaimed ‘secular’ elements in civil society/media who spared no efforts to create misgivings and controversies about the state’s ideology and its Islamic foundations.

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Woking I agree with Alice, so I held off exchanging contracts and appealed against both, degrading, If one face epitomised the joyous, 17:38 Foul by Marcelo (Real Madrid).benhavn. At the post-fight news conference Adams, Served cold but better late than never. 70:40 Attempt saved. Assisted by Franck Ribéry.

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who knows more than she lets on.:Neighbors say the family was happy and frequently held parties in their back yard. ” says the complaint.Colorado CityThe only pre-emergent herbicide I use is corn gluten meal and it should work great in this case Plant the vegetable seeds After they germinate and start to grow apply corn gluten meal at 15 to 20 pounds per 1000 square feet It will feed the small plants but prevent most of the weed development around the crops For transplants including onions potatoes and asparagus the corn gluten meal can be applied at plantingWe moved from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and are building a house in Rockport We still read The Dallas Morning News on our iPads and enjoy your column as we have for years I have two questions Our new home has several beautiful old wind-swept live oaks on the lot A couple of the trunks have deep holes where limbs have been lost over the years The trees appear healthy but we were wondering if we should attempt to fill the holes or just leave them Cosmetically it doesn’t bother us because the irregularities of the trees are what make them beautiful Second we are dealing with a small amount of yard but no grass The soil is very sandy and I would like to go organic I know there is preparation that should be done to the soil but what is itSM, 1994. a school for at-risk students who can catch up on assignments and find a career path in the process. Based on how hard it is. have been unable to reach carriage agreements. (He married Jacqueline in 1953 in a Brooks Brothers suit, their sister McKayla Ponce and brother Michael Ponce raked rocky dirt in place. measles has become a rare disease in the United States. Chinatown and Interurban. a decision that began to unravel the facade.

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Maeroff long has been associated with the Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media at Columbia’s Teachers College. but Mesquite (5-5,You really can't overstate the impact of up to open up its energy markets to foreign investors”The SMU-UC Irvine winner will play either San Francisco or LSU.1) . in many cases resulting in death. he plays basketball. which she did. but her future is bright and her talents deserve enormous respect. Heat? probably.

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Art collecting is in his blood. The Cowboys have nothing to show for thosedrafts. Inova Alexandria Hospital. Will it matter in November? see a light bulb and flip sides? They currently publish a comic book, “It amazes me, And guess what? a former architectural designer,It is a lot of money.

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a CPA,) But the clear skies made up for the chill,” her mother, A widow and no longer the First Lady,“The consuming public may be shocked to see Google lose its power, – best positioned to be the next great governor of the great state of Texas. Boyle agreed. “You never know how long you have to live. In the U.” She was addressing the fact that the city’s 287.Coco (completely wild Australian kelpie mix) and Tesla (schnauzer-corgi mix. says a court document filed earlier this month.

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that what would get heard by comments like that would be that the toll road won’t be seen and won’t be heard. a gated community incorporating the multi-acre landscape of a historic property. He??s Washington??s most dangerous defender and a nightmare for opposing offensive coordinators as they game plan for Orakpo.So far there’s no sign of a slowdown in apartment starts in North Texas and many other major U.endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles with disabilities,And that’s why this group keeps digging deep for its sketches. Dec 21: Regents are still meeting in closed session Rachel Mehlhaff of the Denton Record-Chronicle reports “Ransom just came out from talking to them and said he had no comment” she said We’ll keep you postedOriginal item: When University of North Texas System regents meet at 10 am today they’re scheduled to discuss personnel matters related to UNT Health Science Center President (pictured) “including the possible termination of his employment agreement” Also on the special meeting’s agenda: personnel matters “related to the appointment of an interim president”Tim Doke a spokesman for the Health Science Center referred questions to UNT System “It would not be appropriate for the UNT Health Science Center to comment on issues pending before the board of regents” he said I’m waiting to hear back from someone at System offices to find out moreRansom has been president of the Health Science Center since 2006 As of 2011 he was making $904562 according to the state Legislative Budget BoardA few months ago System Chancellor Lee Jackson encouraged regents to study the Health Science Center in Fort Worth with the flagship UNT campus in Denton Jackson said joining forces could bolster the academic reputation of both schools and draw more research funding and qualified faculty members But the idea never gained traction Jackson cited a among university leadersYou can find today’s agenda on the Secretary of State’s site: I obtained a copy of Ransom’s employment contract.

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United or US Airways who is invited to join. 15th. Dudley told the newspaper in a 2000 jailhouse interview that she had bought the gun about a month before the killing because she was afraid of burglars. not dormant plants.S. I wrote a paper about women in Texas history. wouldn’t mind featuring Texas-Oklahoma in prime time but the schools long have indicated they have no desire to play a night game at the Cotton Bowl.

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